让我们学习闽南语! LET'S LEARN THE HOKKIEN (MIN NAN) LANGUAGE ! 这款APP帮助您迅速掌握闽南语的语音特点! THIS APP BREAKS THEM DOWN STROKE BY STROKE ! • 旋转轮 - 运用拇指很自然! SPIN THE WHEEL TO EXPLORE It's so easy and natural. • 收藏夹 - 可以收藏自己喜欢的单词 ADD TO FAVORITES Save the word you like for the future use. • 真人发音 REAL HUMAN VOICE Including the alphabet, words. • 英文释意 ENGLISH MEANINGS All of the words have their meanings in English. • 闽南文化简介 HOKKIEN ARTS & CULTURE Hokkien cuisine and culture illustrations. • 离线独立APP - 无需互联网 OFF-LINE INDEPENDENT Once downloaded, you don't need internet to use the app. All audios and pictures are integrated within. You can select the word in alphabetical order (English meanings) by clicking “words” in the menu bar. Basic everyday Hokkien words! Click on the "alphabet" button in the menu bar, you can get the sound elements of the Hokkien language. The apostrophe character indicates there is a nose pronunciation. For example, di’ has a nasal sound at the vowel i. And ’gua has a nasal sound at the consonant /g/ . There are over 50 million people who speak Hokkien worldwide. It is a southeastern dialect of Chinese. It played an important role in the South China Sea region. For instance, Tea in Hokkien is Dei. It sounds quite different form the common Chinese word of tea 茶(cha). European traders such as the Dutch took the Hokkien pronunciation of tea then spread it across the globe, which gives rise to English "tea". This app gives you a taste of Hokkien! 闽南语形成于中国东南沿海的闽南地区,主要分布于中国福建南部、广东东部和广西、浙江部份地区、以及台湾、还有菲律宾、新加坡、马来西亚、印尼等地海外华语人士之间。全球以闽南语(包括潮汕话、海南话等)为母语的人数约为7000万人,其中中国大陆的闽南语人口(包括潮汕话、海南话)是2710万。