【The No.1 Landlord Online - Everyone's Favorite Landlord Game】 。Play as guest, no registration required 。Rated 5 stars by our players 。Over 32 million players worldwide, join tables in no time 。Play free: Get as much as 1500 chips to start out with = Features = 。Authentic Landlord gameplay 。Over 32 million players - tap twice and you're in 。New reconnect function - bet with confidence 。Bigger and clearer graphics 。Loads of achievements and prizes 。Never go bankrupt: always get more chips so you can continue to play! = What’s New = 。Landlord tournaments (Realtor, Tycoon, Magnate) 。Various new modes give you an awesome gaming experience = Additional Notes = 。You can use your existing GodGame, Facebook, or Yahoo account to play immediately 。This product is intended for use by those 18 or older. 。Coins in this game can never be redeemed for real money, goods, or any other item of monetary value. 。User performance in this app is no indication of user performance or skill in genuine gambling. ============================= Gamesofa Fun in five easy minutes ============================= 【玩家評鑑五顆星,台灣線上鬥地主No.1遊戲品牌】 3,200萬玩家,3秒上桌、隨上隨打!正宗中國大老二,免註冊立刻玩! 。免費遊戲:立刻下載可得1500地主幣(限新註冊) 。贈幣超多:連續登入玩斗地主遊戲,每日領好康 。經典叫地主、搶地主、明牌,多種玩法最有趣 =iPhone 斗地主 改版內容 = 。全新聚寶盆:玩越多地主幣越高! 。至尊VIP:VIP等級越高優惠越多! 。獨家娛樂城:21點、骰寶、拉霸,1個APP,4種享受 。幸運轉金樂,地主幣最高送十倍! =iPhone 三人大老二 遊戲特色 = 。正宗鬥地主遊戲(又稱斗地主、Landlord) 。13億人的最愛,三人大老二撲克遊戲 。全球3,200萬玩家,按兩下就開桌! 。牌面大!更清楚、操作更容易! 。斷線重連系統,網路斷線也不怕! 。贏牌特殊任務,獎金再加倍! 。破產補幣,輸光也能繼續玩! 。Landlord挑戰賽(地主賽、富豪賽、大亨賽),快來領取彩金獎勵 。中國大老二癩子玩法,湊牌更容易、輸贏更刺激! =其他說明 = 。原「神來也會員」或「Facebook」、「Yahoo」帳號直接玩 。本遊戲以成年人為訴求對象 。本遊戲不提供「現金交易賭博」,也沒有機會贏得現金或實體獎品 。玩社交類賭博遊戲時的玩法或成績不錯,不代表日後以「金錢賭博」時會獲得相同的成果 ============================= Gamesofa 5分鐘.想樂最輕鬆 =============================